Charter of Commitments

We guarantee our customers' full satisfaction

At Hidraqua, we work daily to improve our service and guarantee our customers’ full satisfaction. Our efforts to ensure continuous improvement have led us to adopt six customer service commitments

  • We promise to connect your supply within a maximum of 24 hours.

    When we supply newly contracted services to your home or business in a building supplied using a meter bank, we pledge to install it within 24 hours from the next working day after signing the contract (considering Saturdays and national, regional or local holidays as non-working days).

    If we fail to keep this promise (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), we will pay you €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).

    Specific conditions:

    • The building must have complete outdoor and indoor connections and also have a properly completed internal drinking water installation, authorised by the water service, in accordance with the regulations of the municipal water services and current legislation.
    • The meter room or cupboard must be accessible to water service personnel using an authorised access key. Excluded from this commitment are cases where the meter cupboard cannot be opened or fails to meet the regulations of the municipal water service and current legislation.
    • All contracts delivered to service offices jointly and in bulk by customers’ agents or intermediaries will be excluded.
  • Excess consumption warning..

    Whenever we detect consumption that is higher than normal, we promise to provide notification to the customer’s letter box or with a message in the corresponding bill. If you are not informed by any of these means (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), you will receive €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).


    • A real reading by the company, rather than estimates or customer readings, is required.
    • All contracts with less than six bill reading periods are excluded from this commitment.
    • Consumption is defined as 'excessive' considering the average consumption and the consumption corresponding to the same period of the previous year. Excessive consumption is that which is five times higher than in the same period of the previous year. In any case, excessive consumption will be above 200 cubic metres per quarter.
  • We promise to take a correct reading from your meter

    If you notice that the water bill has been calculated with an incorrect reading made by our employees, you should notify us (before the next bill is issued) so we can confirm the error. Our employees will return to your premises to take a new reading, check that an error exists and revise the bill that was issued within 5 working days from the moment the error has been verified by the company.

    If we fail to keep this promise (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), the bill will be reissued with the correct reading and we will pay you €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).


    • This commitment does not include bills calculated with estimates or readings provided by the customer, reading errors due to changes in the internal installations or tampering with meters without the company intervening or being informed, in accordance with the regulations of the municipal water services and current legislation.
    • The reading error will only be compensated when it can be checked by company employees.
    • The established period of 5 working days will be counted from the day after receiving the request from the customer, as long as the meter for the property can be checked by company employees. If the meter cannot be accessed, this period will be counted from the date on which the customer provides access to check the meter.
    • If the affected bill has already been sent to the bank before correction, the promise will be considered to have been kept on the day on which the company informs the customer that there has been an error, which will subsequently be corrected.
    • Modifications to the conditions for billing or changes to tariffs implemented or reported to the company after the billing date are not considered billing errors.
    • Reading errors should be reported before the next bill is issued.
    • All taxes, fees, levies and other sources of public income for local councils or regional government are excluded.
  • We promise to respond to all complaints within 10 working days.

    If you make a commercial complaint (e.g. billed consumption, charges on the bill, meter operation, contract conditions and customer service quality) addressed directly to the company, whatever the reason and channel used, the company promises to respond within 10 working days.

    If we fail to keep this promise (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), we will pay you €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).


    • Response is understood as the reply given to the customer, not necessarily the resolution of the complaint or claim. The period is counted from the date the complaint is registered in the complaint information system (considering Saturdays and national, regional and local holidays as non-working days), given that it may require prior processing, depending on the customer’s availability.
    • All claims whose nature normally requires a longer resolution period are excluded:
      • Claims through consumer protection offices or other official bodies (including official meter checks).
      • Claims whose resolution requires a new meter and subsequent reading of the newly installed meter to estimate consumption.
      • Claims for damages.
      • Claims relating to water quality.
      • Claims unrelated to supply.
  • Installing connections to the water supply and sewer system.

    We promise to install the connection within a maximum of 15 calendar days after processing and payment. If we fail to keep this promise (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), we will pay you €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).


    • The established period of 15 calendar days will be counted from the day after the company is informed that the amount of the quote has been paid by the customer. If municipal authorisation is required for occupying the public thoroughfare or stopping traffic, the period will be calculated from the date on which authorisation is granted by the local council.
    • Excluded from this promise are quotes that require extending the network.
  • We promise to provide a quote for a water and sewer system connection within 15 calendar days..

    If we fail to keep our promise (bearing in mind the exceptions and requirements), we will pay you €20 in compensation (by payment into your account).


    • If any changes are made to the original request, the deadline will be recalculated from the day after the modification of the original request.
    • The established period of 15 working days will be counted from the day after receiving the request, as long as the details provided are complete and correct.
    • The request for a quote does not imply acceptance on the part of the customer.
    • Excluded from this promise are quotes that require extending the network.

General Clauses
applicable to all commitments


Hidraqua adopts these six customer commitments in situations of stability. The commitments will not be considered to have been broken in exceptional circumstances not directly caused by Hidraqua, such as force majeure or unforeseeable events. This covers all cases due to natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters) and due to emergencies or water restrictions resulting from drought or other circumstances.


The claimant must be the account holder to receive financial compensation for failure to meet a commitment.


Customers will not receive the corresponding compensation and may not demand we meet our commitments when they have outstanding debt with the company for any of the services contracted or provided.


Saturdays, Sundays and local, regional and national holidays are considered non-working days.


All cases in which the breach of promise or its cause cannot be attributed to the company are excluded.


If the deadline has not been met because the customer failed to attend an appointment, the right to compensation will depend on whether the responsibility lies with the customer or company.


For promises to provide a quote or execute a connection, the claimant must be the applicant for the quote or the person ordering payment for installing the connection.


The customer may be informed by phone, letter, email, mobile text message, at the offices, or any other means.